Fantastic Farmers Market Friday (lots of pics)

I love going to my local Friday night farmers market.  I love my farmer friends.  I love seeing cows and chickens up close.  I love knowing WHO grew my food and WHERE it came from.

My mom and I were talking today on the way and we realized we have been going to this market for 6 years.  6 years!!!  Some of these people have known my daughter since I was carrying her in a sling.   I have been making the best effort my schedule, budget, and sanity will allow to feed my daughter (and myself) the freshest, healthiest foods possible for 6 years.  Somehow it just doesn’t seem so long.

Here’s just a glimpse into what the market looks like on the outside:


There were baby cows today.  Yes, technically I know they are CALVES.  But there are BABY COWS. *squee*

Perhaps next time I go, I’ll take some pics of me WITH my farmer friends.  When I feel a little more human and less like someone who needs hip replacement surgery.

Happy Friday everyone!

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